3D Ways, How to,
using a Camera
Use a single lens
single digital camera, upload photo's to your PC
Use a normal camera
and scan the developed pictures into your PC
Get your photo's
Converted in to digital format and upload to your PC.
Do not adjust the
camera's focal length or zoom, whilst taking the series of photo's.
Do not use the
flash at this time.
Set camera for
maximum resolution, no compression if possible.
Before you take
your picture, ensure the camera is on a flat level surface so you can
move the camera in the horizontal plane only.
Use the 1 to 30
rule as a guide. example below
My Focal point
distance = 30 cm
p1 p2 p3 p4
Move distance 1cm
at a time
You can't take 3d
moving pictures with this method.
Avoid blue or red
colours in the sceen if you want colour photo's
Set up you camera
Take your first
if your subject is
30 cm away
your camera horizontally i.e. 90 deg from the subject 1cm.
your second picture.
a couple more for interest
You should now have
2 -4 photographs stored that are slightly offset in the horizontal plane
You can vary the
amount you move in the horizontal to obtain the 3d limits of your 3d
see below
Click on an image
to enlarge
Next download and
install the free Anamaker program, click on the Site Link Tab to go get
Run the program.
details available
from the help menu in the program.
It is important to
load any two of your sequenced pictures the correct way around,
if when you
finished, it looks as though there is no depth or its not jumping out of
the screen at you,
then try loading
the pictures the other way around.
Having loaded 2
Select grey red and
cyan selection
Select make 3d
Select U and D
buttons to get your photo's in the correct Vertical plane ie the same.
Put on your red and
blue or red and cyan glasses and take a look at your creation.
Select L and R
buttons to move your photo's left or right to each other,
this will make the
image move into or out of the screen.
Select make 3d
Image button to create a new version.
Don't use the
contrast button if you can help it.
Do use the
Brightness button if you wish.
Do use reset if
try the colour red and cyan selection
Click image below to
Save you creation
for further Viewing to impress your friends.
Check out Keiron's 3d
Digital Art 2008 E book for more information